Can one ever have too much pizza?

Nope.  That’s not possible.

Not when it’s vegan with pesto on it and topped with roasted vegetables.


Between the two of us, we ate the whole pizza for dinner except for one slice and a leetle sliver (the latter was thanks to me).  We took the dogs on a walk, came back inside, and both of us immediately said, “It smells so good in here.”  Sure enough, as we slowly came up the stairs to the main floor, the scent of the caramelized onions with the roasted tomatoes and peppers from all the cooking and leftover pizza on the table only became stronger.

We’re trying really hard to resist eating that last piece and a half.

We?  Oh, I mean, only the hubs.  I already ate that little sliver and licked my fingers.

Vegan Pesto Pizza with Roasted Vegetables

  • 1 recipe of pizza dough (I only used half of the dough, the other half went in the freezer)
  • 1 recipe of the bestest pesto
  • Diced tomatoes and onions
  • Diced bell peppers (only because I had some on hand; optional)
  • A few cloves of garlic, minced
  • Basil, dried or fresh
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil

Make your pizza dough.

Pre-heat oven to 400 deg F.  Place the tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and garlic in a bowl.  Add basil, salt, pepper, and olive oil to taste.  Make sure everything is decently covered with oil so it doesn’t burn to a crisp.  Place the veggie mixture on a protected baking sheet/roasting pan (I used parchment paper on my pan), roast for 30 min.

Make the pesto.  The only change I made to this recipe today was that I used spinach, flat-leaf parsley, and cilantro.  I was trying to get rid of the latter two so I threw them in and had about 4 c total of moderately packed greens.  And the bonus when you don’t use fresh basil?  The pesto doesn’t brown over time!

Assemble your pizza: spread a generous layer of pesto on the dough (you should have plenty left for using later…like on a second pizza), then top with the roasted veggies.  I additionally topped it with nutritional yeast.  Bake pizza according to the directions.

Slice, serve, inhale.


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